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Service:Foot Soak & Scrub Therapy add another, change

Available products ; 
* Himalayan Salt Scrub contains pure Himalayan crystals, Sweet Almond Oil, and Lychee Fruit Essential Oil.

* Grapefruit contains Dead Sea Salt, Grapefruit Oil, Jojoba Oil, SunflowerSeed Oil, Grape Seed Oil, Vitamin E, Vitamin C, Hyaluronic Acid, Mineral Oil, Coconut oil.

* Tea Tree Oil contains Dead Sea Salt, Bosom Salt, Sodium Bicarbonate, Jojoba Oil, Tea Tree Essential,  Chamomile Essential,  Rosemary essential Oil, Eucalyptus Essential Oil, Spearmint Oil, Peppermints Essential oil, Methysulfonylmethan.
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There are no openings for the week of May 12.
Next opening is Sunday, June 2.